Landscaping for Enriching Quality of Living


Landscaping is a way to connect with “nature” and get best out of it in improving the quality of life. The main principle of landscaping is to combine utility with beauty as well as to frame the natural landscape and improve upon it, so as to get most out of it.  It enhances our outdoor space and is one of the most relaxing and therapeutic activities one can do.

Landscape meaning in simple words is everything you can see when you look across a large area of land.

It is associated with the landscape designs, landscape drawings and images initially before being executed at ground level.

Usually people are fond of visiting beautiful landscapes for landscape photography that focuses on capturing the beauty of the natural landscapes found in the great outdoors. Natural Landscape types are like mountain landscapes, flat landscapes and Coastal landscapes and an array of other types.

The art and science of horticulture landscaping works on improving the existing landscape as well as framing the natural landscape to get best out of it.

Utilizing functionality of ornamental and other trees, shrubs and plants in creating special effects and moods as per the existing geographical and topographical situations is often referred to as Land scape horticulture. Landscape Horticulture takes into account, home landscape, parks, schools, roads, public buildings, golfs courses and building societies as well as other areas where ever plants are integral element of landscaping. An intelligent application of Landscape horticulture provides dynamism to the landscape as trees change their colour and shape during different times of the year.

The landscape trees depend upon the type of the landscape and the different seasons the places have. The basic concept is to have seasonal display and fulfilment of the purpose. The landscape trees and shrubs drawing forms an integral part of the drawings and landscape trees are named in the drawing with the placement in CAD blocks.

Landscape trailers/accessories or/and racks are used to ferry/store specialized tools or landscaping equipment, input material without hassle.

IHT provides horticulture landscape trainings in form of short-term courses. The trainings are conducted in small groups. We provide landscape training manuals for maintenance for technicians. During training programmes landscape training videos, ppt are shared with the trainees in interactive lectures and hands on trainings. For details visit

If required we provide literature on landscaping translated in Hindi

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